例文:Leaves are to the plant, what lungs are to the animal.
1. A : B = X : Y
2. A is to B as X is to Y.
3. A is to B what X is to Y.
4. As X is to Y, so is A to B.
5. What X is to Y, that is A to B.
Five is to seven what ten is to fourteen. 5と7の比は10と14の比に等しい。
Reading is to the mind what food is to the body. 読書の精神におけるは、あたかも、食物の肉体におけるが如し。
この形のbeが他の動詞(例えばstandなど)に変わったり、toが他の前置詞に変わったりする事がある。 例:
A nurse stands to a patient as a mother does to a child.
What the lion is among beasts, that is the eagle among birds.
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